14 May 2021


Adverbs help us to describe a verb. 

For instance:

I swim slowly. 
She sings loudly. 
He rides quickly. 
Our dog plays dangerously when it meets another dog.
You rollerblade carefully. 
We cycle badly. 


Adverb of manner, una ficha interactiva de Mozah

A conjunction is a word that acts as a 'joining word', connecting pairs or groups of words and clauses in a sentence. (but, because, and, or....are conjunctions).

For instance: 

I am hungry because I didn't have my breakfast.
Mary gets up and takes a shower. 
I love dogs but I don't like cats.
We can eat pizza or hamburger. 
The girl ran because she was afraid. 
I lost my keys so I can't get into my house.

Conjunction, una ficha interactiva de Christiana_Bamidele

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